There are two Joseph Chamberlain Memorial Clocks in Birmingham. The clock which lies at the heart of the Jewellery Quarter was unveiled to the public in 1904 following Joseph Chamberlain’s visit to South Africa, with funds raised from his constituents in West Birmingham where he was MP. ‘Old Joe’ is located to the south of the city at the University of Birmingham, it is the tallest freestanding clock tower in the world and its nickname refers to Joseph Chamberlain, in recognition of his position the university’s first Chancellor. The Chamberlain Memorial Fountain in the city centre was erected in 1880 to commemorate his achievements during his time as Mayor of Birmingham from 1873 – 1876.
Join Dr Matt Cole to explore Chamberlain’s story, explaining what the monuments and their history can tell us about his role in public life, his career in politics, his beliefs and his significance to Birmingham.
This talk will be held on Zoom, and details will be sent out to those who book in advance of the talk.